It is never too late to own a home through Banks Warner Limited mortgage scheme
- Every current account holder is qualified to apply for a mortgage.
- Our assessment is done mostly by existing salary structure or business turnover .
- It have a repayment plan of up to 10years at the minimum entry level of our mortgage portfolio
- You pay a fraction of a fee as interest incurred from your mortgage plan
- A dedicated real estate realtor will be assigned to you through out your mortgage procedure
Why keep paying high bills on rent why your walk to your own home is just a step away when you begin your mortgage plan with Banks Warner Limited, start now and be the next home owner.

Every where you go we are right beside you, a bank that covers many regions.
Bank with rest of mind knowing that your funds and account is super safe and secured.
Our customer care unit is always available for you 24/7 to utilize.
Transfers are delivered to recipient bank account with the speed of light.