The protection you need to bank and invest with confidence. Commerce Trust Bank uses comprehensive safeguards to protect the integrity and security of your information and financial transactions, whichever way you choose to bank.
Privacy practices: We are committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information from our ATM network and public website to online banking and mobile banking. These practices are fundamental to the way we do business. View our privacy commitments.
Secure technology: We employ the most up-to-date security standards to protect our systems, our public websites and your information. Your banking and investing take place behind secure firewalls. Learn more about our secure technology.
Enhanced identity protection: Passwords, Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and access codes are used to prevent others from accessing your accounts.
Proactive monitoring. Our systems and websites are monitored 24/7 to proactively identify unusual activity and provide you with around-the-clock peace of mind.
The [idf] Online and Mobile Security Guarantee. Learn more about how you’re protected.